// @todo html5 reset https://github.com/murtaugh/HTML5-Reset/blob/master/_/css/reset.css // @todo rwd patterns http://bradfrost.github.io/this-is-responsive/patterns.html#modules // @todo stílusokat szétszedni IE verziókra ?>
Even though it is still considered new in Hungary, the MG brand has been developing and manufacturing vehicles that are constantly ahead of their time, available in several categories and highly variable, since 1924. Today, as one of the dominant players in the electric car market that meets all environmental protection and ergonomic needs, it is trying to conquer the roads and lovers of environmentally friendly driving. It is a pleasure and an honor for us to be part of its domestic launch on behalf of Duna Autó, for which we were able to assist with one of the most important elements of the campaign and sales, the creation of MG Motors' official website.
car model configurator
car model subpage
Press releases